You want the best for your child. Of course you have questions about Kindermusik at The Wonder Studio.


Why is the commitment for so many months?

Your child's development is of the utmost importance to us. We know children (and grownups!) thrive in routines. This is why our "school year" classes run for 32 weeks from September through May. The consistency of a weekly class - with the same families and same teacher - allow everyone to feel safe and comfortable. Massive learning, beautiful growth, and true connections happen in this scenario.


What if my child doesn't like it?

While we believe every child inherently loves music, we recognize Kindermusik is not for everyone. If after five classes, you realize our Kindermusik classes are not a good fit for your family, we offer a "happiness guaranteed" policy. Your tuition money will be refunded, and your family will be unenrolled from the class. However, please know you are always welcome back!


What if we have to miss a class due to illness, a vacation, or another reason?

We make scheduling makeups so EASY. You can make up a missed class by attending another class of the same level at any point in the future. NO EXPIRATION DATE! Families schedule makeup classes by contacting their Kindermusik educator or Miss Angie. 


What if my family's schedule changes? Can we move into a different class?

For sure! It's simple for us to move your enrollment to a different class. We have multiple classes of each level, and as long as the class is not at capacity, the move is made quickly. This tends to happen with grownups with babies when their nap schedules change.


Can my other child(ren) come to class?

We know it's not always possible to have one-on-one time with a child. If the sibling is not within the age range for the class, they are welcome to tag along and participate in class (either regularly or when necessary). When more than one child is within the age range of the class (e.g. You have an 18 month old and a 3 year old, so they are both in a Level 2 class), you would need to enroll both children in the class. We offer a 20% discount on tuition for siblings no matter which class they are in.


What if I enroll in the middle the year once classes have already started?

We welcome new families throughout the year until a class is at capacity. Before the payment is processed, the tuition for the classes is prorated. You will be in touch with Miss Angie about all of this; she'll share the numbers before running the credit card.


What is capacity for each level of Kindermusik?

Foundations (0 - 18 months/2 years) and Level 2 (18 months - 3.5/4 years) are both set at 10 students. Level 3 (3.5 - 5 years) and Musicians (5-7 years) are set at 8 students.


What if my child is shy?

Your child's learning style will be honored and celebrated at The Wonder Studio. Whether your child stays close to you and observes or jumps into an activity and leaves you behind, we recognize every child's unique personality. As long as everyone is being safe and respectful, we recommend letting the child lead the way. Often times, after four to five classes, even the most reserved children tend to feel ready to be social and participate with the class.


What if my child is disruptive?

All feelings are welcome in the Kindermusik classroom. Our most basic "rules" are to be safe and respectful. You, the child's grownup, know what's best  in supporting them through big feelings and difficult situations. You can decide whether to stay in the classroom or step out for regulation. However, please know that crying is okay and tends to be more dysregulating for the child's grownup than others around them.


What does the cost all include?

For the school year classes that run from September through May, the total cost includes thirty-two 45-minute classes, home materials for units, and access to the digital music through the free Kindermusik app. For the summer 4-week sessions, the cost includes four 45-minute classes and the unit's book.


Do you offer discounts?

You will receive a 20% discount off the tuition for additional children enrolled in Kindermusik classes. Another potential discount would be if you already have the home materials (books and instruments) from a unit due to already having completed the unit with an older child. Finally, we say "thank you" when you tell others about The Wonder Studio and give a $20 discount ($5 for summer classes) for both the referring family and the newly enrolled family. 


What if I'm not a "musical" person?

Even grownups who "claim" they can't sing or keep a steady beat will love participating in a Kindermusik class with their child. You will always have an accredited Kindermusik educator to reference. Plus, your child loves your voice! They do not care at all if you sing on or off pitch; they just want to enjoy music with you.